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Mr. Howard is not long for this world, and he has not been a very good man. As he lies dying in his offstage hospital room, the devil takes up a vigil at the nurses’ station, ‘Waiting for Mr. Howard’.

Will the devil succeed in collecting this soul, or will his efforts be thwarted?  Will the seasoned Nurse Meg stop him, or will young Nurse Julie foil his plans?  Will the two hospital priests succeed in driving him away—or perhaps the cleaning lady, Miss Mabel, will offer him a bit too much of her special ‘floor polish’.  This comedy portrays the classic struggle of good versus evil, and in the end it is love—however twisted—that saves the day.


Production Requirements:

Cast: Three men and three women.

  • Nurse Meg: 35 to 55 years of age; practical

  • Nurse Julie: 22 to 30 years of age, sweet and naïve

  • Rob/Ross:

    • Rob—25-40 years of age; wears a delivery uniform; a nerd. 

    • Ross—25-40 years of age; dressed all in black and bedecked in jewelry.  Cool and sophisticated.  Portrayed by the same actor.

  • Miss Mabel: 55-65 years of age; gruff and well-seasoned.

  • Father Clarence: 50-65 years of age

  • Father Gustoff: 45-55 years of age



This play requires one set.  The stage is set up as a hospital waiting area with a nurses’ station at UC.  Directly behind the nurses’ station is a door into the nurses’ lounge.  In the wall at CR is a set of elevator doors with an “Out of Order” sign.  At DR is a set of stairs leading offstage with a door at the bottom.  (In lieu of stairs, an additional door could be placed onstage at DR and marked as ‘Stairway’.)

The stage is set with a pair of chairs at RC (without arms), and a magazine table between them.  There is a potted tree in the corner at UR, and another upstage from the door at CL that leads into Mr. Howard’s room.  The nurses’ station is set with various charts, and the wall behind the station has chart racks.  There is also a chart rack on the wall downstage of Mr. Howard’s door.  The nurses’ station contains the following items: a small flower arrangement, a telephone, and a box of tissues.



  • A pair of specimen cups

  • A laundry cart (large enough to be tipped on end and conceal two people)

  • A pail filled with various cleaning supplies

  • A bottle of ‘cleaning polish’

  • An ice pack

  • A pair of Bibles (one of which is hollowed one and contains a small flask)

  • A bottle of smelling salts

  • A glass of water

  • A small bottle of pills

  • A cigarette and lighter

  • A crucifix

  • A clip board

  • Two small, brown packages


Sound Effects:

  • Elevator bell

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